Warning, Probation, and Dismissal Policies
All of the following will result in a Warning:
Disciplinary Problems (case-by-case basis)
Missing more than 1 meetings per semester and not providing notes
Insufficient hours (10 hours: 4 tutoring; 4 service; and 2 choice)​
Not paying dues by the designated deadline
Misreporting tutoring minutes
Mandatory Services not completed
All of the following will result in Dismissal:
Any Out of School Suspension
Receiving an Honor Code violation
Failing to get off probation within a month of notice
Being on probation more than once per school year
Not completing hours required by the end of the school year
All of the following will result in Probation:
3 warnings of any kind
Warnings not followed up within the given time offered
Mandatory Service not completed after warning administered
Not paying dues after warning
​Having your CNA weighted below 92 (Academic Probation - 1 semester to correct)
How do I get off probation?
Missing Meetings
If a student misses 1-2 meetings, they will have to watch a video recording of the meeting a take notes about what was discussed
If a student misses 3+ meetings, not only will they have to take notes as mentioned above, but they will also have to do an extra hour of service for each meeting they missed
Not Completing Service Hours by the Deadline
A student who does not complete or submit their service house by the deadline will have to make up double the hours that they. missed, next semester
FOR SENIORS IN SECOND SEMESTER: You will be unable to receive a NHS stole for graduation
Notes are due 3 days after the meeting, and if for some reason this deadline cannot be met, the sponsors and officers. must know ahead of time
The meeting minutes will. not be released on Microsoft Teams until all members who missed the meeting have submitted their notes
Ex: A student who misses four meetings will have to take 4 sets of notes and complete 2 additional service hours
Ex: a student misses 2 hours during first semester, they will have to do 4 extra hours = 14 hours next semester in total (4 makeup + 10 already required)